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Sporting Events
Throughout the year our school have various sporting events. Take a look here for more information.

23.1.25 Girls Football
Our second, and long anticipated girls football game took place last week, where the girls were able to show off the huge improvements...

Edward the Elder Vs Long Knowle
Edward the Elder mixed football team played an excellent match against Long Knowle, winning 7-2 on 16th January 2025. A fantastic team...

Mixed Football 11.11.24
The Mixed Football season has now kicked off. Unfortunately, we missed out on a win, but a fantastic start to the season showing great...

Netball Tournament
Quickly following the success of the Cross country competition, we entered a netball team again made up of eight Year 5 and 6 children to...

Cross Country
We began with the First Cross country team competitions on the year. We entered 1 team of 2 boys and 2 girls from Year 6, in addition to...

Trust Olympic Week July 2024
Across the trust, our schools participated in an Olympic Week in celebration of the Olympics 2024. Schools visited each other and...

Year One Sports Day and Trust Olympics Event
Year One had a fantastic week full of the most wonderful sporting achievements! We enjoyed our Key Stage One Sports Day and competed in...

Edward the Elder Vs Wood End Primary
And the 'Netball bug' has fully taken off at Edward the Elder! With double the crowd supporting us today, our Netball team took on their...

Netball has taken off for 2024!
A fantastic start to Edward the Elder's Netball journey for 2024. Our freshly made team were finally able to channel all their excitement...

Swimmers make a splash in Pop-up Pool!
We are so proud of the progress our pupils have made in swimming! The pop up pool has been on our site for 3 weeks and children in Years...
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