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European Languages Day - Thursday 26th September

Here at Edwards we had a wonderful afternoon celebrating European Day of Languages. Each class focussed on a different European country and took part in an activity linked to that location. We had Makaton in EYFS and Spanish animal names in Year 1. Year 2 took on France as the fashion capital of the world and designed their own European Day of Languages t-shirt. Ireland was voted the friendliest country in Europe so Year 3 created posters for peace. Year 4 created a poster for the Hamburg music festival. Year 5 took on a language voted the hardest to learn… Czech! Finally, our Year 6s explored the Swedish language and the longest European word… nordvästersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbeten! We all had a brilliant afternoon, just take a look at our pictures and videos!

Alanna and Mila from Year 6 enjoyed reading out their own made-up word!


Why Language Angels?



Language Angels is our chosen scheme for the teaching and learning of French across school. This is because:


  1. It is completely curriculum compliant

  2. it has been written around the twelve DfE languages Programmes of Study attainment targets

  3. It includes a full teaching programme for EYFS and KS1 which is not just a watered-down version of KS2 teaching,  but bespoke lesson ideas for these year groups and their needs.

  4. Has long, medium and short term planning and fully resourced lessons for whole primary phase

  5. Uses a step-by-step approach including the three pillars of language teaching (phonics, grammar and vocabulary)

  6. Previous language is recycled, revisited and consolidated as a planned part of the progressions within the scheme

  7. Audio sound files are included to ensure authentic pronunciation is modelled

  8. Excellent support for the non-specialist teacher


Skills Progression

French Core Vocabulary

Unit Guidance Y3-6

Three Pillars of Language Learning

Phonics Cards

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